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‘The Food Revolution’ is in full swing

With ’The Food Revolution’ Picard Angst offers access to an exciting investment topic. Invest in the sustainable future of our nutrition. Demographic change and acute inefficiencies in production, distribution and consumption not only give rise to lucrative opportunities for investment: there is also the chance to make a constructive contribution to change.

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Research Paper Q4/2024

Discover the top 4 key investment themes shaping 2025 and stay ahead of market trends.

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The six sub-segments of The Food Revolution

Six structurally growing sub-segments shape the shift towards a sustainable, efficient food industry. As part of our ‘Food Revolution’ strategy, we identify 40-60 companies along the agri-food value chain that have a key impact on the development of these markets.

Automation and agritech

The food industry is lagging far behind other sectors when it comes to automation, digitisation and use of data. However, investments in agritech have recently picked up pace greatly and will multiply five-fold by 2030, to an estimated USD 700 billion.

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Alternative proteins

Proteins that can be created without any animals needing to be slaughtered are ripe with potential. Lab-grown meat emits up to 96% less greenhouse gases. The market for plant-based proteins will grow by 30% per annum by 2030, reaching a size of USD 85 billion.

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Sustainable packaging solutions

Plastic and single-use systems dominate today’s packaging market, causing huge environmental problems in terms of both production and disposal. The future belongs to biodegradable products made from renewable materials.

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Food safety and clean label

It is hard to imagine processed foods without additives. New developments are not only making them safer, but also more sustainable. This segment is expected to grow at annual pace of eight percent.

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Healthy, functional food

The WHO estimates that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer by 80%. The annual growth rate for healthy and functional food is at around six percent.

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New forms of consumption

The consumer behaviour of the younger generation is very different from that of the older generation. Today, 40% of all consumers are under 35. The estimated annual growth rate in this area is currently just shy of nine percent.

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‘If everyone were to follow a typical American diet, we’d need the resources of two Earths’

In the video, fund manager Elad Ben-Am offers a detailed explanation of the strategy behind the fund ‘The Food Revolution’ from Picard Angst. Read the interview in our Insight.

Read the interview

Two professional athletes are ambassadors for "The Food Revolution"

Watch why Sina Frei, Olympia Silver Winner in Cross Country Tokyo 2020, and Jost Brücker, Professional Handball Player at GC Amicitia, are committed to "The Food Revolution" as professional athletes.

Product information

The Food Revolution by Picard Angst is a global equity fund with the objective of capitalizing on the structural changes at work, in the agri-food industry. We invest in 40 to 60 listed stocks along the value chains of six structurally growing segments.

PA Ucits – Food Revolution Fund Institutional CHF LU2318335523

Key information
Share class C CHF
Target audience Institutional Investors
Currency CHF (no currency hedging)
Utilisation of returns Accumulation
Minimum initial subscription 1 million
Tradeability Daily / until 2 pm CET
Legal structure UCITS V
Fund domicile Luxembourg
Authorized for public distribution LU, DE, CH, FR, UK
Fund launch date 30 April 2021
Investment start 12 - 30 April 2021
End of financial year 31 December
Valor 110467897
ISIN LU2318335523
Management fee (p.a.) 0.90%
Investment manager Picard Angst AG
Management company FundPartner Solutions (Europe) S.A.
Custodian bank Pictet & Cie (Europe) S.A.
Auditors Deloitte Luxembourg

For more share classes go to the download center or get in touch with your personal contact.

PA Ucits – Food Revolution Fund Retail CHF LU2318335283

Key information
Share class A CHF
Target audience All investors
Currency CHF (no currency hedging)
Utilisation of returns Accumulation
Minimum initial subscription No minimum
Tradeability Daily / until 2 pm CET
Legal structure UCITS V
Fund domicile Luxembourg
Authorized for public distribution LU, DE (pending), CH (pending)
Fund launch date 30 April 2021
Investment start 12 - 30 April 2021
End of financial year 31 December
Valor 110465559
ISIN LU2318335283
Management fee (p.a.) 1.50%
Investment manager Picard Angst AG
Management company FundPartner Solutions (Europe) S.A.
Custodian bank Pictet & Cie (Europe) S.A.
Auditors Deloitte Luxembourg

For more share classes go to the download center or get in touch with your personal contact.

The Food Revolution portfolio structure

High-conviction positions
  • 5-7 core positions, average weighting of 4-5%
  • Ideally one core position per theme
  • High level of pure ’Food Revolution’ exposure
  • Defendable barriers to entry for competitors
  • Ability to finance future growth
  • Proven management qualities
  • Valuation providing sufficient upside
  • Identified and quantified catalysts
Regular positions
  • 20-30 positions, average weighting of 2-3%
  • These positions are built around the high conviction position to ensure a smart and “pure” exposure to the specific sub-theme
Small-cap basket
  • 10-20 small-cap positions, average weighting of 0.5-1%
  • Young, fast-growing and disruptive companies with a high level of ‘purity’
  • The basket consists of small, well-diversified positions to avoid excess unsystematic risks and liquidity risks

Six good reasons to invest in The Food Revolution


With this investment, you are playing a constructive role in solving the key problems of our future.


Pandemic, meat scandals and structural triggers will greatly propel the Food Revolution.


The Food Revolution supports the UN’s SDG sustainability goals and the EU’s Farm to Fork initiative.

Potential returns

The Food Revolution offers very attractive potential returns, independent of the economic cycle.


Demographic developments are one of the strongest arguments for The Food Revolution’s success.


The political pressure on the food industry to integrate its real costs is picking up pace worldwide.

Your contacts

Elad Ben-Am

Senior Portfolio Manager Food Revolution


Lorena Zini

Senior Investment Manager Food Revolution


Boris Ivankovic

Senior Solution Advisor


Jann Breitenmoser

Senior Investment Manager Food Revolution


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