Impact Investing Bond Logistics RIDDERKERK III


Currency CHF | EUR | USD
Maturity in years 1.5
Fix coupon CHF 6% | EUR 6.75% | USD 7.5%

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Business Case

The RIDDERKERK III project will be the second location of Bakker Barendrecht B.V. for the open handling of fruit and vegetables at the Dutch Fresh Port Ridderkerk. In line with the tenant’s requirements, the building will not only facilitate handling and storage of goods, but also extended services such as repackaging, packaging, small packaging, ripening and cooling of various types of fruit and vegetables. The planned total gross floor area on the property is 55640 m², which includes office and mezzanine space.

The logistics centre will feature modern architecture and will be developed and certified according to the requirements of the BREEAM sustainability level «excellent», which not only meets but exceeds the new EU Taxonomy Regulation for Real Estate in many areas.

Investment Opportunity

Qualified investors are invited to participate in the financing. They will be offered a coupon of CHF 6.0%, EUR 6.75%, USD 7.5% per year, with a maximum term of 18 months, callable after 14 months.

Investment Benefits

  • Sustainable project with BREEAM Standard «excellent» in an outstanding location
  • High level of first ranking security in favour of the noteholders
  • Low-risk real estate project
  • Long-term lease in place
  • High Necron equity stake of 30.6%
  • Regular interest income
  • Fixed return
  • Short term of the note

Product data

Product Impact Investing Bond Logistics
Currency CHF | EUR | USD
Maturity in years 1.5
Fix coupon CHF 6% | EUR 6.75% | USD 7.5%
ISIN CHF: CH1356576582 / EUR: CH1356539788 / USD: CH1357114284
Valor CHF: 135657658 / EUR: 13565397 / USD: 135711428
Bloomberg CHF: PRAETO 6 03/06/26 Corp / EUR: PRAETO 6¾ 03/06/26 Corp / USD: PRAETO 7½ 03/06/26 Corp
Legal structure Bearer bond secured by real estate lien (Senior Secured Bond)
Security Signed, long-term lease agreement
Issue Size CHF 70 M
Issue date September 04, 2024
Issue Price CHF 1'000
Final maturity März 06, 2026
Early Redemption Option from 06 November 2025 with a 10 days' notice
Early Redemption Price 100% plus accrued interest
Denomination Necron Group AG, Bahnhofstrasse 16, 6300 Zug, T. +41 41 561 38 22
Coupon Date quarterly
Offering for qualified investors
Paying Agent Banca Credinvest SA, Lugano/Zürich, Schweiz
Subscription OTC Banca Credinvest SA, T. +41 58 225 70 90,
Secondary market Prices are regularly updated on Bloomberg, SIX Telekurs and Refinitiv (Reuters) (CH1356576582/CH1356539788/CH1357114284) Secondary market under normal market conditions, on a best-effort basis with 1.00% bid-offer
Settlement SIX SIS AG, Olten
Exchange Vienna Stock Exchange
Governing Law Zürich 1, Schweiz
ESG Rating Sustainable project with BREEAM

Your contacts

Murielle Marascio

Client Advisor Market Switzerland

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+41 55 290 50 18

Christoph Beck

Senior Client Advisor Market Switzerland

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+41 55 290 50 21